25 Journal Prompts to Transform Your Life
Journalling is known to reduce stress. It also helps you clarify thoughts and feelings, resolve problems and disagreements, and boost your memory and creativity.
I have an almost daily journaling practice. In fact, on the days where I don’t write in my journal, I feel completely lost without it. My thoughts are not as clear, and my mind is not as free.
Starting a journal wasn’t easy for me. It wasn’t something that came naturally at all. On the first day of Yoga Teacher Training, we received a journal to write in. The first few days of journaling were awful; I had no idea what to write. I was staring at a blank page every morning, but I stuck with it, and soon the words began to flow. I still have that journal, and I can’t tell you how special it is to look back on it five years later and see what 22 year old me was thinking on my first trip to Asia.
These days I usually do some free flow writing (like the ‘morning pages’ Julia Cameron suggests in The Artist’s Way ) combined with journaling prompts.
The first page is usually the hardest one to write. Journaling prompts are great to help you get started. Try some of the ones below, and let me know what you think.
Journal Prompts
Go through the following journal prompts and pick one that stands out to you. Write it at the top of the page and see if you can fill the page with your thoughts.
- 3 things I’m grateful for:
- What do I need more of in my life?
- Do I feel successful in my life?
- How do I react to negative feelings?
- Am I happy with my life right now?
- What is one thing I wish I was better at?
- What is my daily routine like? How can I improve it?
- What lights me up?
- What inspires me right now ?
- Do I feel happy in my life right now?
- What are my goals right now?
- Are my actions bringing me closer to my goals?
- 10 things I’m proud of this year/last 5 years/ last 10 years.
- Where do I want to be in 1 year/5 years/10 years?
- Something I’m proud of today:
- Am I kind to myself?
- What keeps me motivated?
- If there were no limits, what would I do in life?
- What is my mission in life?
- What feels like a struggle right now?
- What was the highlight of the last month?
- What do I love doing?
- What am I afraid to do?
- Three things to accomplish this week:
- Three things to accomplish today: